Level A Level B Level C Essays English Video

Job choice

Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

If I was asked to make a choice between a high-paying job with long hours and a lower-paying job with shorter hours I would hesitate to answer. I did not decide for my self yet what I want in my life more my family or my career. I think that these options are very different ones and one needs time to make a right decision.

From the one side, a high-paying job with long hours gives one more opportunities to make a great career and succeed in life. Another important aspect of this is that one can earn more money for his family. In addition to these practical benefits, a person can get satisfaction and self-realization that are very important in one’s life. I think that it is a very great and essential feeling to be a part of progress, make difference and be satisfied with the job. However, a high-paying job with long hours brings many disadvantages too. For example, a person will have less time for his family and friends. Secondly, the job will be more stressful and bring more responsibilities. A person will have to sacrifice many things to his job.

From the other side, lower-paying job with shorter hours can bring many benefits. One can spend more time with his family and have many pleasant and beautiful moments together. Also, a job will be less stressful and not require to sacrifice one’s spare time to get it done. However, a person most likely will not be able to make a career and make much money. Moreover, one’s salary may be not enough to pay for his children’s education.

To sum up, I think that every person at least one time in his life realize this and make a decision whether he or she wants a career or great family. And I did not make this decision yet.


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