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Synonym TOEFL - Lesson 13

1. Elizabeth Blackwell founded an academy to train women physicians in 1868.

2. Honeybees live in a complicated society of ten to fifty thousand members.

3. When students do not have time to read a novel before class, they read an outline of the plot instead.

4. Collections of opals and quartz are featured at the City Museum's annual exhibition of precious stones.

5. The "Mona Lisa" is the portrait of a woman with a very enticing smile.

6. Martin Luther King detested injustice.

7. Ethnocentrism prevents us from putting up with all of the customs we encounter in another culture.

8. The landscape can change abruptly after a rainstorm in the desert Southwest.

9. The new suit he has bought is unfortunately made of synthetic material.

10. Embroidery depicting scenic views became popular in the United States toward the end of the eighteenth century.

11. Variations in the color of sea water from blue to green seem to be caused by high or low concentrations of salt.

12. Given current economic trends, liberal increases in the money supply appear unlikely in the extreme.

13. The plainer a bower bird's plumage, the more brightly it decorates its nest to attract a mate.

14. The guests at the luau enjoyed it very much but refused to eat the raw fish.

15. Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear.

16. A feeling of sadness permeated the atmosphere.

17. The pianist was adept at playing the arpeggios.

18. It is difficult to get young people to plan for their old age, which seems very distant to them.

19. J.P.Morgan had a reputation for being a prudent businessman.

20. After eating an excessive amount at the dinner, he became ill.


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