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Synonym TOEFL - Lesson 17

1. Because the details of the project were rather hazy, we decided to reject the proposal.

2. An immature teenager may start smoking in order to appear older.

3. For your safety and the safety of others, always pay attention to traffic signals.

4. Even as a child Thomas Edison had a very inquisitive mind; at the age of three he performed his first experiment.

5. The Morrill Act of 1862 authorized the states to use federal lands for the establishment of colleges that would offer programs in agriculture and the mechanical arts.

6. It is better to try to change things than to complain about them.

7. The degree to which heat affects tennis players' performance depends in part on the level of humidity.

8. Alexander Hamilton remained adamantly opposed to the policies of John Adams throughout the latter's presidency.

9. The company has decided to offer incentives in the hope of increasing productivity.

10. The superintendent was the principal speaker at the school board meeting.

11. The calf of the human leg contains seven muscles.

12. After a long, hard struggle, we gradually succeeded in having people accept the truth of our theory.

13. After the drops were placed in the patient's eyes, his pupils became dilated.

14. The coroner was able to extract a minute particle of cloth from under the victim's fingernail.

15. The test site region encompassed a ten-square-mile area.

16. After an unhappy love affair, Emily Dickinson lived like a person apart from society, shut away in her family home in Amherst, Massachusetts.

17. A cut in the budget put 10 percent of the state employees' jobs in jeopardy.

18. The eight survivor subsisted for four days and nights on sea biscuits and mere gulps of water.

19. Ralph Nader headed the organization called Public Citizen, Inc. from 1971 to 1980.

20. General acceptance of 3-D films may prove hard to come by, as the experience of three decades ago indicated.


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