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Incorrect word TOEFL - Lesson 13

1. Benjamin Franklin was the editor of the largest newspaper in the colonies, a diplomatic representative to France and later to England, and he invented many useful devices.

2. Had we known the traffic would be so bad, we did not drive back from work so early.

3. The ATM card the principal means for getting cash quickly is in most countries.

4. The tornado uprooted all the power lines leading to the town so the inhabitants had to live in darkness until new ones.

5. The shortest route for the rally drivers was through the mountains whereas if the desert road was much longer though faster.

6. West of the Missouri river have vast plains over which the wagon trains labored ignoring them in favor of dreams of gold and richer land further west.

7. The fire began in the fifth floor of the hotel, but it soon spread to adjacent floors.

8. Before she moved here, Arlene had been president of the organization since four years.

9. Plants absorb water and nutrients and anchoring themselves in the soil with their roots.

10. It is necessary that one met a judge before signing the final papers for a divorce.

11. Authors Samuel Eliot Morison won two Pultizer Prizes, one in 1943 for a biography of Columbus and the other in 1960 for a biography of John Paul Jones.

12. According to legend, because the Indian Princess Pocahontas said that she loved he, Captain John Smith was set free.

13. Both viruses also genes are made from nucleoproteins, the essential chemicals with which living matter duplicates itself.

14. Agronomists study crop disease, selective breeding, crop rotation, and climatic factors, as well soil content and erosion.

15. The high protein content of various strains of alfalfa plants, along with the characteristically long root system that enables them to survive long droughts, make them particularly valuable in arid countries.

16. Columbus, Ohio, the capital of the state, are not only the largest city in Ohio but also a typical metropolitan area, often used in market research.

17. Although maple trees are among the most colorful varieties in the fall, they lose its leaves sooner than oak trees.

18. Before television became so popular, Americans used to entertain each other in the evening by playing games, saying stories, and singing songs.

19. The value of precious gems is determined by their hardness, color, and brilliant.

20. Those of you who signed up for Dr Daniel's anthropology class should get their books as soon as possible.


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