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Incorrect word TOEFL - Lesson 18

1. It is generally believed that Thomas Jefferson was the one who had researched and wrote the "Declaration of Independence" during the months prior to its signing in July 1776.

2. The children's television program called "Sesame Street" was seeing in 84 countries in 1989.

3. People from temperate climates cannot survive for long in temperatures extreme.

4. Some earthworms grow to a very large size. five or six feet in length, but most of them are a little inches long.

5. The Augustinian monk, Gregor Mendel, performed many experiments which have won him the title of "Father of Genetic".

6. The leader emphasized the need for justice and equality between his people.

7. Several people have apparent tried to change the man's mind, but he refuses to listen.

8. Those of us who smoke should have their lungs X-rayed regularly.

9. Akuce Ganuktibm, she spent her life working with the health and welfare of the families of workers.

10. The bridge at Niagara Falls spans the longer unguarded border in the history of the world, symbolizing the peace and goodwill that exist between Canada and the United States.

11. Patients suffering from encephalitis have an inflammatory of the brain.

12. Almost the plants known to us are made up of a great many cells, specialized to perform different tasks.

13. Most large corporations provide pension plans for their employees so that they will be secure enough than to live comfortably during their retirement.

14. The smallest of the apes, the gibbon, is distinguished by its too long arms.

15. Despite its smaller size, the Indian Ocean is as deep the Atlantic Ocean.

16. Before the invention of the musical staff, people passed musical compositions on to each other not by writing them down but also by remembering them.

17. There exists more than 2,600 different varieties of palm trees, with varying flowers, leaves, and fruits.

18. The National Wildflower Research Center which was established in 1982 by Lady Bird Johnson on sixty acres of land east of Austin.

19. The classification of a dinosaur as either saurischian nor ornithischian depends on the structure of the hip.

20. It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.


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