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Incorrect word TOEFL - Lesson 16

1. Some important characteristics of the Baroque style was a renewed interest in ornamentation and a powerful use of both light and shade.

2. Alexander Graham Bell was once a teacher who run a school for the deaf in Massachusetts.

3. The student realised with disappointment that he had learned new nothing in the lecture.

4. The greater number of dentists in smallest towns shows either that dentists don't like big cities or there are now more dentists.

5. The ordinary cold, which is ours most common sickness, is a rival disease whose cure has not yet been found.

6. After the team of geologists had drawn diagrams in their notebooks and wrote explanations of the formations which they had observed, they returned to their camp-side to compare notes.

7. A catalytic agent such as platinum may be used so the chemical reaction advances more rapidly.

8. In ancient times and throughout the Middle Ages, many people believed that the earth is motionless.

9. Before the nineteenth century it was rarely to find organized systems of adult education.

10. Starfishes and sea urchins, members of the echinoderms or spiny skinned animals, are particularly interested because of their unusual structures.

11. According the kinetic theory, all mater consists of constantly moving particles.

12. Please don't parking in those spaces that have signs reserving them for the handicapped.

13. The amount of books in the Library of Congress is more than 58 million volumes.

14. It has been proven that when a subject identifies a substance as tasting well, he is often associating the taste with the smell.

15. Many of the problems associated with aging such as disorientation and irritability may result from to eat an unbalanced diet.

16. When a child, Barbara Mandrell played the guitar, banjo, and saxophone in her family's band, but in 1981 she was named Entertainer of the Year for her singing.

17. The 3,500-foot George Washington Bridge spans the Hudson River to link New York City also New Jersey.

18. The average salt content of seawater is more than three percents.

19. The narwhal can be easily to recognize by the long spiraled tusk attached to the left side of its head.

20. A vine climbs from one tree to another, continuing to grow and support itself even when the original supporting tree is not longer alive.


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