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Incorrect word TOEFL - Lesson 17

1. The first electric lamp had two carbon rods from which vapor serves to conduct the current across the gap.

2. In spite modern medical technology, many diseases caused by viruses are still not curable.

3. The Earth depends the sun for its heating.

4. Luther Burbank was a pioneer in the process of graft immature plants onto fully mature plants.

5. An ardent feminist, Margaret Fuller, through her literature, asked that women be given a fairly chance.

6. The fossils represent animals or plants that had hard and usually well-developed body structure.

7. During the early part of the Colonial period, living conditions were hard, and people have had little time for reading and studying.

8. The progress made in space travel for the early 1960s is remarkable.

9. Psychological experiment indicate that people remember more math problems that they cannot solve than those they are able to solve.

10. The teacher told the students to don't discuss the take-home exam with each other.

11. Death Valley is 130 miles length and no more than 14 miles wide.

12. Economists have tried to discourage the use of the phrase "underdeveloped nation" and encouraging the more accurate phrase "developing nation" in order to suggest an ongoing process.

13. Since infection can cause both fever as well as pain, it is a good idea to check a patient's temperature.

14. A barometer is a device with a sealed metal chamber designed to reading the changes in the pressure of air in the atmosphere.

15. Philosophy of the ancient Greeks has been preserved in the scholarly writing of Western civilization.

16. Quasars, which relatively small objects, emit an enormous amount of energy.

17. William Faulkner, a famous novelist from Mississippi, said that it is not possible to understand the South unless you were born there.

18. To estimate how much it will cost to build a home, finding the total square footage of the house and multiply by cost per square foot.

19. Plant cuttings who are placed in water will develop roots and can then be planted in soil.

20. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them.


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